Sunday, April 23, 2006

I have recently got a Quantum Q Flash 5 D which is a great piece of kit, but so sophisticated, it takes a while to learn how to use it.

Here are some initial pictures with it.

The first with the bare bulb and the half reflector, used off camera with a cord.

The second with the main reflector and a diffuser and with the flash set off using the FreeXwire wireless units.

For a portable compact flash, I think its amazing. What do you think?

I would value tips from anyone reading this on how best to use the Quantum flash, on its own and with other flashes in imaginative ways.

If you want to buy Quantum stuff I recommend Flaghead Photographic Ltd. who supply retailers throughout the UK and who are super helpful with advice and technical knowledge.
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posted by stefan lubo at Sunday, April 23, 2006


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